Thursday, January 3, 2008

Selecting the Right Network Marketing Alternative - BookWise

The Network Marketing concept is really a rather simple model. You find a product or service that you absolutely love, you share it with your friends, family and every one else you know. They in turn love the product as much as you, they become life-long customers or distributors in your down line. You make money from their purchases of the product, and best of all you make money from all of your down line sales and recruiting efforts.

Well we all know that it is not that the process is not that simple. The premise that you can base your business model on friends and family is a flawed notion... after all how many friends or family do you have? In a future article we will explore why and how you should move away from your friends and family as quickly as possible.

But back to the most critical step ...the very first one.... picking the right opportunity. The wrong choice at the beginning can make the best marketing plan and the hardest workers efforts worthless.


Not all Network Marketing opportunities are created equal, but the risks are certainly justified by the rewards if you carefully evaluate the opportunity. It is possible to significantly reduce the risk and equally important know the warning signs to monitor the network marketing opportunity that you ultimately choose.

I. Industry

What to Look For:
The size of the local, national and global market. How much is the industry growing? What are the market demographics? Is it likely to phase out or does it
have longevity? There are many network marketing company's with great products, yet these products have little market demand, they are often hard to sell because the industry isn’t big enough – You need to choose a ‘boom’ industry that will last and grow for a long time.

Why BookWise:
The $24 billion book industry has never been stronger. In fact, it's grown, on average, more than 10% a year for the last three years. By joining BookWise you become part of a larger movement to not only change the world through books, but your own life as well. In fact the most popular online shopping categories are books (39 percent made purchased within the past 12 months); CDs, tapes and albums (36 percent).

We are now at the very beginning of the next trillion dollar industry—an industry that will impact almost every aspect of our lives and achieve $1 trillion in sales within 10 years.

II. Company

What to Look For: Selecting the right company is absolutely critical. All too often a MLM with a healthy downline finds his/her efforts lost because the company doesn't have the staying power or has fizzled out. Research here
is important determine the following:

Size of market and growth plans

Stability and Timing

Experienced Management Team


Why BookWise: While many "experts" suggest that you don't consider a network marketing opportunity unless it is at least 5 years old. Most often these so-called experts are merely trying to push their opportunity that is already beyond its shelf-life. The real consideration should be stability and timing. In fact those who do identify the right opportunity and who get involved in the first five years make 80 percent of the money. I find it is best to seek out a company which is financial strong, has experienced management team who has a sold marketing plan for growing the company.

BookWise, Inc. is a fully-funded well financed company which has exceed all marketing and sales expectations. It has been operating for over 1 year, but has the structure, financing and elements of a company that has been existence
much longer. The management team is a very experienced team who have
several founders who have been involved and guided successful network
marketing organizations. The management team has a solid plan for growth that will take the BookWise opportunity international later this year.

The TIMING could not be better, it is early enough in the company and product lifecycle that those who get involve now can make a LOT of money. The financial stability, experienced management group and the well thought out and
documented marketing plan are the elements for success.

INTEGRITY means more then honest people and a product that does what it promises. That is a given, if either of those are not I mean that the
company is really and truly about selling the product not just pushing a
downline. Too many network marketing companies are only about trying entice new distributors to the point they forget about the product. That is usually because their product can't stand up to its claims. BookWise is all about the product, yes we want associates. But first and foremost we want you to experience the power of Books.

III. Product

What to Look For:
Products are the lifeblood of a network marketing company's success: ●Quality ●Competitively priced ●Product Positioning is key

You also need to have a personal passion for the products and be a consistent user that believes in what you are selling.

Why BookWise:

Have You Ever Read a Book That Changed Your Life?
Most of us can name a book that impacted us at a crucial time in our lives. Think about your favorite books—the ones that have influenced you. Have you ever read a book and wanted to share it with a friend or family member? ("You've got to read this book!") Has someone ever encouraged you to read a book and you were so glad that they did!? That's the world of books. They're part of our culture, part of our lives. Some people can't live without books.

How much is a good book worth? A book may only cost a few dollars but what value would you place on the time spent reading a special book to a special child? What value would you place on being able to curl up with a good novel and distract yourself for a few hours from the pressures of life? Have you ever expanded your mind with a book during lunch? Have you ever read a book that helped you improve a relationship or a job or talent? Have you ever read a spiritual book that flooded your heart with peace during a difficult time? If so, you'll know what we mean when we say that the right book at the right time is literally worth its weight in gold.

Books are powerful.
They contain the condensed wisdom and skill of the smartest minds in the world. Books give you leverage. The lessons of a lifetime can be transferred from the authors' mind to yours in a few short hours—saving you time and money. Books are transformational. Well-written words can transport you on the wings of your imagination to a whole new world.

Books are accelerators of success. They reveal the shortcuts to what you've always wanted. Books are revolutionary. This is true not only of individuals, but of civilizations. Every major world movement began with a book. From Uncle Tom's Cabin to The Communist Manifesto, every major political revolution has a book at its core. From the Bible to the Qur'an, every major religious movement started with a book. From Rachel Carson's Silent Spring to Upton Sinclair's The Jungle, every societal upheaval was born of a book. No wonder books are cherished, extolled and even feared.

Beyond the 1.5 million titles in The BookWise Bookstore, there are over 140,000 music cd's, movie dvd's and video games.

Bookwise is competitively priced to be the same as or better than the prices found on Amazon or in Barnes and Noble preferred customer program. Unlike the Barnes and Noble preferred customer program

preferred customers are not required to pay a fee to join.

IV. Consumable Product

What to Look For: Selecting a consumable product is so very important, that I decided to not insert this under the general product heading. Once you find a customer you want them for life. Too many "internet opportunities" are selling a product or service once to and individual. So every time you want to make a sale you have to find a new customer. The real magic in making a sizable income is to build a strong customer base and those sales are your base income, month after month. In the ideal world, the product you are marketing will be used up by the consumer within a month so you can expect a reorder from them each and every month.

Why BookWise
First Books are the MOST consumable product ever. People
LOVE books so much that they often read them in a single sitting. What happens as soon as they are done? They want to read another. Book Lovers cannot get enough books.

In addition, BookWise has a program to encourage people to continuing
buying month after month. Each month they buy, they will receive a
BookWise 100 Classic i
n a downloadable audio book, e-book and a two page compact classic. These are the 100 of the best classics of all time.

V. Tools & Systems

What to Look For:
The best network marketing company's have good tools and systems for both selling products and recruiting new distributors. Including: Websites with built in auto-responders that email prospects on a regular basis, DVDs, Online

presentations, Training websites.

Why BookWise:
Bookwise has the most comprehensive training on ANY network marketing company. First, there are over 30 different teleseminars and webcasts each month that teach you how to be both successful at BookWise and in your life.
BookWise is a success company that is dedicated to helping you be successful and to improving your life. in addition, BookWise has a marketing center where they provide templates and marketing tools from postcards, brochures, bookmarks and dvd's.

BookWise provides you with both a state of the art BookStore that is a cross between Amazon and MySpace. It will be the platform for selling books, music, movies and video games as well as presenting the opportunity.

BookWise also gives you a lead capturing website where Richard Paul Evans will explain the benefits and enlightened philosophy of BookWise. You can check out the website your self at Winning in the Margins and use the passkey "integrity".

Finally, twice each week there are opportunity calls given by the BookWise Founders (Tuesday Night at 9:00pm) or top leaders in the BookWise (Monday Night at 9:00pm).

VI. Supportive Upline

What to Look For: Accessibility, can you reach your key upline members when you need them to help recruit? Do they have regular hours that they are available? What tools and help can they give you.

Why BookWise: The upline at BookWise is very accessible, if you need virtually everyone is available when you need them. The Teams that comprise the
Enriched, Enlightened and Empowered Teams
have phenomenal team benefits. These teams are:

The BookWise Power Team -

The BookWise SuccessWise Team -

The Wise Wealth Team-

BookWise Team USA-

BookWise Team Canada -

What can you expect from these teams?

The secret of being successful as a network marketer is to have an EASILY
Duplicatable system to quickly create a downline where you can leverage your
teams efforts. You should not have to spend time designing such systems or trying to reinvent the wheel. We have those systems. We have the knowledge to show you how it is done.

  • A third full featured customized website that is designed and optimized to drive business to your site.
  • Free Updates of your Custom website so long as you are an active
  • Free Hosting of your Custom website so long as you are an active associate
  • Quick Start Training
  • Duplicatable Systems designed to quick start your business
  • Exclusive weekly training from nationally renowned network marketers.
  • Exclusive Local Marketing Training from national recognized experts
  • Customized templates and business tools
  • Access to our Members Only Training Center and Forum
  • Able to participate in weekly recruiting calls
  • Weekly Newsletter
  • The BookWise Network Team, is a fully experience upline that is dedicated to helping you stay focus become fully trained and confident to be able to reach your goal.
  • We understand that in the beginning you may not have the "words, the answers or the confidence" to introduce BookWise to your prospects and customers, We hold ourselves out to talk to these people on your behalf and to get them started with Bookwise.

VII. Compensation Plan

What to Look For: There are a number of different basic compensation plans, the one characteristic that they all will have is each states that its plan is innovative and the best. The key is to understand the compensation plan before you join, so you know what you need to do, and that you'll be happy with your pay when you get it. The best compensation plans offer no limits to income, achievable commissions and bonuses to infinite generations.

Why BookWise Bookwise compensation plan is one of the easier plans to understand. The fact is it one of the most dynamic plans ever introduced by a network marketing company. There are seven ways to earn money as a BookWise Associate.

There are SEVEN ways to make money in BookWise:

1. Direct Retail Sales
When you join BookWise you own an online book/entertainment store. With over 1.5 million books, 140,000 music CD's, movie DVD's and games, you can make a REAL income marketing the products in your store.

BookWise Associates will receive 50% of the profits generated by the sale. 40% will go to the associate from whom the product was purchased and 10% will go the the enroller of that

What can this mean in REAL income?

50 customers buying 1 book a month = $1900
2500 customers buying 1 book a month = $93,600
2500 customers buying 3 books amonth = $280,000

2. QuickStart Commissions

Each time you enroll a new Associate you will receive a $35 quickstart commission when that person makes makes his first monthly book order.

3. Matching Commissions

This is the most revolutionary part of the BookWise Compensation Plan. An active
associate will receive 100% matching commissions on ALL Unilevel commissions PAID TO ANY ASSOCIATE THEY HAVE PERSONALLY ENROLLED IN THEIR ORGANIZATION. This is the true power of leveraging that embodies a great network marketing opportunity. Imagine earning double... triple... quadruple (or more) on commissions in your downline. This also means that you can NEVER cap out of the earnings....just add another person and earn commission another nine levels.

4. Unilevel Commissions

You will receive monthly commissions on up to nine levels of your downline according to the BookWise compensation plan. The BookWise Unilevel compensation plan was created with four main objectives:

  • Simplicity - We wanted our Associates to understand exactly how they are paid and how they can increase profits.

  • Quick Associate Profitability - We wanted our Associates to be earning a free book and extra income as soon as possible.

  • Possible Substantial Profitability - We wanted our Associates to have the possibility of substantial income.
  • Equity - To guarantee that Associates were rewarded for their labors and not required to continue to fulfill additional qualifications to get paid for work they've already done.
    To accomplish these four objectives, BookWise rejected the complex qualifying methods associated with most MLM's.

5. Additional Volume Commissions

Every time someone in the top five levels of your downline orders additional books (in addition for their monthly ADP) you will receive an additional one percent commission on item ordered.

All 50k's and above are taken on an exclusive all-expense-paid annual retreat (with a best
selling author) to some exotic destination.

6. WriteWise Commissions
WriteWise program which is a fast track program for getting your book published. It is also a fast track way to earn commissions. For each sale of the WriteWise program you will earn a commission of $1000 -$1400.

7. Global Leadership Bonus

$1.00 of every BookWise membership fee will be directed to a quarterly leadership bonus pool.

VII. X-Factor

What to Look For: What makes this opportunity unique? Why would someone be enticed to join as your downline over anyone else? What makes this company special. This should be unique attributes about the product or the marketing
strategy. It is critical to your success that there is that X-factor.

Why BookWise:
The X-FACTOR for BookWise is summed by the words Richard Paul Evans and Robert G. Allen, our founders. Richard Paul Evans is a 12 times New York Times Best Selling author (The Christmas Box, The Gift, The Five Lessons a Millionaire Taught Me). Robert G. Allen has 5 New York Times Best Selling Books (Multiple Streams of Income, Nothing Down for the 2000's, Cracking the Millionaire Code).

Both gentlemen are successful business men and network marketers.

Both gentlemen are wealth trainers with Robert Allen being one of the founders of the Enlighten Wealth Institute.

Both men are actively involved in the training and the marketing of Bookwise.